FESS- January 24, 2009
DISCUSSION1: Bush leaves note for Obama in Oval office. What massage would you leave?
Continuing a White House ritual, U.S.President George W. Bush is leaving a note in the Oval Office for President-elect Barack Obama, wishing him well as he takes the reins of the executive branch. Bush wrote the note on Monday and left it in the top drawer of his desk. The White House is not providing the intimate details of the message the two-term Republican left for the incoming Democrat.
QUESTION: If you could write note what would you say?
DISCUSSION 2: Lackluster TV serves a purpose
(Name withheld)is correct to state that the switch to digital TV won’t improve Japanese TV standards. It’s not meant to; it is merely a new higher-quality means to transmit the same old garbage. Although l agree that the quality of Japanese TV leaves a lot to be desired, one thing that can be said in defense of many of the programs is that they are not supposed to be watched with a great degree of concentration.
I am sure if the Japanese sat down to watch a wide-show for three hours from start to finish without a break,they would think that Japanese TV is as bad as we do and call on programmers to do something about it.
OUESTION: Are you satisfied with the quality of TV programming in Japan?
DISCUSSION 3: Don’t spoil Japan’s uniqueness
I believe (English language newspaper) publishes too many articles on discrimination issues and on the acceptance of immigration. Why does the world – especially the Western world – want to change Japan by having it accept immigrants and reduce discrimination directed toward foreigners?
If a country decides to treat foreigners differently, then it should have the right. The stories that I’ve been reading are mostly from Westerners complaining about discrimination and arguing for an acceptance of more refugees,etc. If foreigners have complaints,they should try to settle in another country, do business elsewhere, or visit another destination.
Are discrimination issues and the acceptance of immigration in Japan “real” issues?
Do you agree with this writer’s opinion?
OPTIONAL: Should a drunk-driving conviction determine if you get a job or
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