Magazines of 50 years old

FESS 50th Anniversary was over. Lots of OBs, OGs and instructors as well as active members participated. Approximately 70 of us were there in total. I was very happy to know they thoroughly enjoyed the reception.

カテゴリー: 未分類 | Magazines of 50 years old はコメントを受け付けていません

Fantastic Anniversary!

We really had a great FESS 50th. Anniversary on the 11th, June. We had some shows, performed by the FESS members during the party. Oh, boy! what a surprise! I found that they had really great hidden abilities!!
It was such a pity if you missed them.

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午前中は英語に関するワークショップ。先生は初代インストラクターのトラヴィス。改めて発音の大切さを認識させられました。昔は発音記号を学びましたが、今でも英語の時間に学んでいるのでしょうか・・・? カタカナでは表現しきれない英語の音。

カテゴリー: 未分類 | 感謝 はコメントを受け付けていません

Great Workshop!

Hi, Fumi again.
We FESS are gladly tell you that we had an anniversary workshop
and a cerebrate party yesterday.
Some member might report here about the party,
so I’d like to inroduce how we had special workshop ths time…

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Notice : 50th anniversery party and workshop

Hi everybody, lazy admin again!
I am very happy to tell you about our comming 50th party and
workshop; We will have Mr. Travis “Tra-chan” as an instructor just like
years before.

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Great Texas!!

Hi, friends!
Let me introduce you a story of Texas…,
Texas is the biggest state in the U.S. Almost Texans are proud of its huge land. 続きを読む

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Why Shibuya became so popular…?

Hi Everybody!
On 16th April, one of our instructor, Andy, brought his friend to FESS.
They used to work together in Sydney, and Roisin, her name, said that she
was still working for that company. This time she came to Japan for her holiday
and she enjoyed Kyoto, Asakusa. Of course, she also visited the very
famous place among foreigners. Yes! The scramble crossing at Shibuya!
Why it became so popular…?

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~~ FESS Scrabble World!! ~~

まずは手はじめ、4月16日(土) 18:10~18:55 西部公民館でお待ちしています。

カテゴリー: お知らせ | ~~ FESS Scrabble World!! ~~ はコメントを受け付けていません

Congratulation, 50 years old FESS!!

Hi, lazy admin again.
I am proud of inform you we are going to have 50th anniversary of FESS
next June.
Please expect the information time at the end of every lessons,
committee & anniversary project team will share you about the plan of a celebraion.
Thank you,

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"HOT" food

Hi everybody, I am Fess-Web-Administrator.
Sorry I was lazy to update this blog,
at least I can do I wish you had been in happy new year days.
Living in Funabashi is nice so far,
Actually I am a kind of new resident here but I use to live nearby
when I was not married yet.

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