FESS – February 21,2009
TOPIC 1: Japan has seen an unusual spate of marijuana busts,with many involving sumo
wrestlers and students attending top universities, What’s your take on this?
1. The trend is disturbing, Japan should do more to prevent the influx of illegal drugs.
2. Pot is less harmful than alcohol or cigarettes,so why all the fuss?
3. There should be more education on the dangers of drug use.
4,Times are changing; Japan needs to reconsider its laws o marijuana possession.
5. It’s strange that there are not more arrests of drug dealers.
6.Obviously,the media spotlight has prompted the police to make more arrests.
TOPIC 2: How healthy is your workplace?
Shift work, long hours and blue-collar jobs are all associated with higher levels of obesity
than regular hours, shorter hours and white-collar jobs, a Statistics Canada report says,
Men working longer hours (more than 40 per week) were more likely to be obese than
regular full-time male workers (30 to 40 hours per week), and more men and women who
work shifts were obese than regularly scheduled workers, the study said. The stress
caused by long and irregular hours may be the root of the higher obesity levels, author
Jungwee Park suggested in the report,Obesity on the Job which was released on Friday.
But he also noted that unusual work schedules may themselves make it harder to eat well.
1. How healthy is your workplace?
2. Do you have employee incentives to stay fit and healthy? Or could your employer do more.
TOPIC 3: Free speech or an attack on religion?
A controversial ad campaign is about to hit the transit systems of some cities in Canada.
The Toronto-based free thought association of Canada won approval yesterday from the
Toronto Transit Commission to place ads on buses and inside subway cars that read:
″There probably is no God, Now stop worrying and get on with your life.″
The ads are identical to those used in a recent campaign in Britain.
Those opposed to the ads say they are attack ads while supporters talk about freedom of
speech and stimulating debate.
What do you think? Would you have any objection to these or similar ads?
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