最初のディスカッション1はウオーミングアップというところでしょうか? 2は教育に要するコストの問題もさることながら、日本人の真の国際化が進んでいない実情は非常に残念なところです。3はカナダの企業の話ですが、米国でも、公的資金が投入される企業の経営者の高額の報酬は政府により規制される方針、との報道がありました。それに比べて日本の場合は、人員整理は進んでもなかなかここまでの話にはならない、という気がします。
最後にスケジュールのお知らせです。当初3月7日に予定されておりましたスピーチイベントは、7日が会場が使えないため(お休みとなります)14日に延期となりましたので、ご注意ください。また、既に5名のスピーカーの方は決まっている、とのことで楽しみですね。 MORO
FESS - February 7. 2009
DISCUSSION 1: Does being polite help in a tough situation?
DISCUSSION 2: Why can’t Japanese kids get into Harvard?
Makoto Kobayashi, Toshihide Masakawa, 0samu Shimomura and Japan-born U.S.
citizen Yoichiro Nambu won the 2008 Nobel Prize for their work in physics and chemistry.
At first glance, Japan’s place as a global knowledge center is secure, but
these individuals are the exception,rather than the rule.
For a country such as Japan, internationalization must start with education, Japan is an island nation,conversing in a language spoken nowhere else on our planet, with few immigrants and foreigners. Japanese universities have thus
far failed to attract the best students from abroad, the only option
is a foreign education. Therefore,to internationalize themselves, the Japanese must seek a foreign education.
There are about 6.4 million college-age Japanese, compared to only 3.2 million
for South Korea. Japan is also much richer, with per capita GDP more than
twice Korea’s.
Yet,there are 39 Koreans studying at Harvard college, compared with only five
QUESTION: Why are so few Japanese matriculating at Harvardd College or other U.S.
Ivy League schools?
DISCUSSION 3:What do you think a top exec is worth?
This winter may have an extra little chill in store for Canadian executives.
A new survey indicates 41 per cent of Canadian companies have imposed,or plan
to impose,salary freezes this year, with senior executives the most likely targets.
0n Monday four of Canada’s banks said their chief executive officers
agreed to give up more than S15-million in compensation.
Laurence Booth,a professor at Rotman School of Management, said the move
makes the bank chiefs look more reasonable. “I think it’s probably an optics move, more than anything else,”Booth said. He thinks the executives will
take their biggest hit from forfeiting stock options, which he expects will
be especially lucrative in the next few years when banks’stocks start to recover.
QUESTION: What do you think a top exec is worth?
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