1月17日 マテリアル

お待たせしました。1月17日のADVUANCEとPRE-ADVANCEの共通マテリアルです。日本人苦手のidiomの問題だけあって難しい!回答は1つでない場合もありますし、用法はオーストラリアでの用法をメインとしますので、他国では違う場合もあると思います(ここで正解としたもの以外にも正解もあり得る)。今回は、回答は次回としますので、時間のある方は気楽にチャレンジしてみてください。                       MORO

Body and Health Idioms
This is collection of idioms that are very commonly used in English conversation.
It is important to know them and for understand them for use in English speaking countries. Some make sense, but some don’t until they are explained.
 1. You don’t look good at all. Your face is as white as a ( ).
    (A)weather (B)colour (C)par  (D)dog  (E)sheet
 2. I wanted Brian to come today but he’s got the flu and is in a bad ( ).
    (A)way (B)colour (C)par  (D)dog (E)sheet
 3. If you think that, you’re completely off your ( ).
    (A)basket  (B)rocker (C)face (D)there (E)head
 4. He’s completely mad. As the Australians say, he’s as nutty as a ( ).
    (A) basket (B)rocker  (C)fruitcake  (D)there  (E)head
 5. I had far too much to eat and drink last night and when I got home I was as   sick  as a( ).
    (A)weather (B)colour (C)par  (D)dog (E)power
 6. Take things easy for a few days and you’ll soon be as right as ( ) again.
    (A)basket (B)rocker  (C)fruitcake  (D)rain  ( E)head
 7.I feel in excellent condition. I feel as fit as a(   ).              (A)basket (B)rocker (C)fruitcake (D)rain (E)fiddle
 8.I’m not very ill but I do feel a bit below(   ).                  
   (A)weather (B)colour (C)par (D)clogs (E)power
 9.I’ve been working too hard. I need a holiday to recharge my( ).
    (A)batteries  (B)rocker (C)fruitcake  (D)rain  (E)fiddle
 10. He says such strange things that I wonder if he is right in the ( )・
    (A)way  (B)death  (C)face  (D)there  (E)head
 11. He is a very strange person and says very strange things. Sometimes I wonder
    if  he  is all ( ).
    (A)way (B)death (C)face (D)there (E)sheet
 12. I saw the doctor the other day and he gave me a clean ( ) of health.
    (A)batteries (B)bill (C)fruitcake (D)rain (E)fiddle
 13. In one hundred years’ time you won’t be here, you know. You’ll be pushing up
( ).
    (A)batteries (B)bill (C)daisies (D)rain (E)fiddle
 14. It is very cold outside. You must be careful not to catch your ( ) of     cold.
     (A)way  (B)death (C)face (D)dog (E)sheet
 15. You’re not looking well. You look a bit off-( ).                 `
     (A)weather (B)colour (C)daisies (D)clogs (E)power
 16. He’s completely mad, a real ( ) case.
     (A)basket (B)death (C)face  (D)there (E)head
 17. If l keep working so hard, and with so much stress, I’ll soon end up       popping my ( )
    (A)batteries (B)bill (C)daisies (D)clogs (E)fiddle
 18. He looked really, really ill, like ( )warmed up.
     (A)way  (B)death (C)par (D)dog (E)sheet
 19. I’m not feeling too good. I feel a bit under the ( ).
     (A)weather  (B)bill (C)daisies (D)clogs (E)power
 20. I was feeling terrible but I had a brandy and it did me the ( ) of good.
     (A)batteries 《B)bill (C)daisies (D)world  (E)power

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