Looks are everything: study
While humans may consider themselves highly sophisticated beings,a new study says that when it comes to choosing a mate,we resort to the most basic of selection processes:looks.
Despite claims by individuals to the contrary,physical beauty is the key trait men look for, according to research by Indiana university cognitive scientist Peter Todd. Women, on the other hand, are choosier but tend to pick men who can offer material wealth and security that is on par
with how the women perceive their own attractiveness.
The study used a speed-dating session to compare what people said they wanted in a mate with whom they actually chose. Speed dating is where men and women have a number of¨mini-dates¨that last only a few minutes a,giving them only a short time to decide whether they would like to go on a proper date with that person.
Most said they wanted a mate like themselves,yet when the sessions began, the men sought the more attractive women. The women meanwhile,were drawn to material wealth and security, and set their standards according to how they viewed their own attractiveness.
Reader’s Comment
lf people use looks to decide on a person, it’s shallow. Beauty is an illusion, some of the shallowest people I know are good looking. When we are blinded by looks we miss the beauty within that is what the people who are not good looking have.
Because they are not good looking,they have learned all the other qualities that people want ,such as nonjudgmental,kindness,empathy etc. When you are only looking at the outside of the package,you miss what the contents of the package contains、the true beauty within.
Discussion :
1.What do you think about this study and its findings?
2.What do you think about the usefulness of this study as a scientific
3.Do you agree with the Reader’s Comment? Do you think the writer of the
comment is a man or a woman and why?
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