興味深い内容だったと思います(スキャナの精度が良くないので、誤りがあるとは思います・・) BY MORO
Back-to-front books open new chapter on globalizing Japanese By TOMOKO OTAKE
As Japan struggles with the mushrooming of English loanwords in its midst, there are signs that the Japanese language might be exploring another new relationship with English=by absorbing the
English alphabet and even some grammar directly.
This emerging trend is not to do with the superficial profusion of English letting in advertising copy and the names of buildings. In fact it is potentially far more profound, and suggests Japanese may be on the way to adopting the English alphabet as its fourth set of characters along with hiragana, katakana and kanji.
The futurist who is predicting such a scenario is Jun Yamada editor of a paperback book series at
major Japanese-language publisher Kobunsha. When he launch-the series in 2001,Yamada broke
new ground by present` the copy in lines running left to right, top to bottom on the pages, and by starting the book at the front as in western publications - like typical Japanese books that start at what Westerners think of as the back, and have copy running top to bottom, right to left.
The paperback series ,which Yammada、targets at ‘successful business people with experience of living overseas,¨is printed on recycled paper and volumes are about the same size as normal Western paperbacks(which are usually bigger than those in Japan),
But the most controversial decision Yamada made was to insert English words and phrases throughout
the copy -not yet as substitutes of Japanese (because few Japanese could understand stand-alone
English words),but by speaking English translations for key phrases throughout the text.  ̄
“The era of globalization means the era of English, ”said the outspoken editor, adding this conviction that¨Japanese is a very flexible language. It can absorb the English alphabet with no problem.゛.
However, Yamada did admit that even now, more than five years after the series launch, he is still
inundated with phone calls from angry readers、 Undeterred, though, he said that, while seven out of 10 callers complained, he has no plans to quit the part-English policy. “I tell those people/You are angry because you can’t read English. You don’t belong to our target audience, so don’t even bother to buy our books,¨’he said. “l don’t know how many times I’ve run into fights like that.”
As outlandish as Yamada’s argument might be, there are bubbling signs that the Japanese language
Might indeed be`Anglicizing, and already most school textbooks, government and business reports and e-mails are presented in lines running left to right from top to bottom.
Masamitsu Ito, a linguist at the department of Japanese Language Information and Resources at the
National Institute for Japanese Language, has monitored the volume of English phrases hl J-pop lyrics and found that mixing in English words - rather than katakana words-has become far more
common since the 1980s.
“The English alphabet seems to be preferred because katakana phrases are ubiquitous and so they no
longer sound fresh,” Ito said“When you consider the size of English-language school chains, and the fact that so many Japanese are studying English, few people find it odd to find English around them anymore.”
As a result, some movie titles and newspaper headlines today include “the” and “in” between Japanese words,although the grammatical concept of articles and prepositions has never existed in Japanese, Ito said.¨It is quite a big deal (if everybody starts using those words),because it means Japanese grammar is changing as well.”
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